With the upcoming total solar eclipse, on Monday, August 21, 2017, comes also a big excitement because it’s crossing the USA from west to east, and it’s quite a rare sight to experience. Eclipses, in general, are intense and powerful in their effect. You don’t have to be at the geographic place of the eclipse to feel it. If you have any planet or point in your chart at 28’52 degrees Leo or any of the fixed signs, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus, you’ll feel this eclipse in your life more strongly.

Leo is the astrological archetype that wants to inspire, create and shine. He wants to show it’s special and unique contribution to this world, it’s the part of us that wants to self-manifest. He teaches us that we are here to get to know ourselves (our soul) in a better way, and through the unique outfit we got for this lifetime, our Ego. Through Leo, we learn how to be present from within.

If not balanced, it can turn into an ego struggle, egocentric and narcissistic behavior, that simply comes from a lack of self-esteem. Yes, Leo’s can be with low self-esteem, as any sign, but the reason for them is that when they feel unseen, that nobody sees who they really are, how they contribute to the world or that they’re not able to shine and express themselves, they will look for recognition and respect from the outside.

The inner work to balance the Leo in you is to ask why are we doing what we’re doing. If everything that we do is only for the need to be noticed and be respected than it’s very similar to a fake diamond. It will be broken very easily. When we are established in our own being, rotating, like the sun, around our own center, and understand that we can still do what we came here to do, to manifest the will of our soul, even without others around us giving attention and applauding, then we can also be able to shine, live our lives with strong presence, and inspire and serve others too, without an obsessive need for outer recognition and without the fear to lose ourselves.

On a spiritual path, we’re often taught to reduce or eliminate our ego, to become nothing, zero. This doesn’t mean that we are actually worthless. It’s important to remember that we are part of the creation, and our ego is a neutral tool that we decide how we’re going to use it. We can live our unique path in this life, but also to understand that we are part of society. We get to sing solo, but we also want to learn to perform with the band.

Mars’s Motivation to have courage

mars conjunct the eclipse is about having the courage to be you, knowing how to act in an inspiring way, to create something new, to take your life forward without thinking, analyzing and being in the head too much (Aquarius polarity). Mars can symbolize anger as a motivation to do something, and we need to be aware that it can be very easy to pull the knife and become aggressive and abusive to ourselves others. It might bring some conflicts too, but still, in the heat of the moment, we want to protect our honor and might do things we’ll regret later. The 3rd chakra, Manipura, is about acting from our strong core, from our center, being the spiritual warrior. So working on anger issues that can block you from manifesting, doing and creating or moving the energy in a positive and constructive way, is a good practice with this energy.

The 3rd chakra, Manipura, is about acting from our strong core, from our center, being the spiritual warrior. So working on anger issues that can block you from manifesting, doing and creating or moving the energy in a positive and constructive way, is a good practice with this energy.

In addition, this eclipse energy can help us move forward and encourage us to be in the front of the stage without fear. It reminds us that we are here also to play, to have fun and enjoy as well.

The Heart of the Lion – Without Fear, Without Revenge

The eclipse point is conjunct Regulus, a fixed star, one of the 4 Persian royal stars, keeper of the north and summer solstice (Is John Snow going to be the king?).
Regulus was correlated with Mars and Jupiter energy and is associated with qualities like honor, independence, leadership, ambition, love of power, violence and in the case of revenge, there will be lost. So together with Mars and other planets related to the eclipse point, we need to be more aware not to act from fear or pride, which leads to revenge, but to see through this fear, meditate on where it comes from and let it go.

I’m sharing with you this link for extended reading about the concept of fear and revenge through the Mul Mantra, by Shiv Charan Singh:
An enemy is one who can threaten us. But if we first cultivate Nirbhau, then there is no fear of being harmed. Thanks to the grace and breath of the Nirbhau state, it is possible to be free of protective prejudices, free of judgmental labeling, and therefore to be not only forgiving but also pre-forgiving; this is Nirvair: ready to overlook any apparent shortcoming or fault of others before they are even noticed; ready to tear up the records/files/accounts that our subconscious wants to keep on others; ready to un-see and see beyond.” (read the full article here )

Suggestions for balance

At the time of the eclipse (6:30 pm GMT) sit and meditate on who you are and what is your unique way to share and give in this reality. 

Kriya to relieve inner Anger

Mantra to chant – Ong Sohung

A Kundalini yoga meditation to practice for this time, Meditation into being. Practice this meditation for 11 min.


For a personal astrology consultation contact Gali here