In astrology we can once in a while see aspect patterns between the planets. There are different kinds of patterns or configurations such as grand square, grand trine, kite, yod etc. The summer skies in July/August bring to our attention a few geometric configurations: grand trines that create a Star of David ( Hexagram) and a rare grande sextile (Hexagon) that will be accurate on July 29/30. In this configuration we can find more aspect patterns like Star of David, kites, mystic rectangle and more.

Sacred Geometry is with us from ancient times. Through history we can see how the subject was studies and researched by philosophers, mathematicians and astronomers like Plato, Leonardo Da Vinci, Johannes Kepler and more. The assumption is that these shapes are everywhere in our life, even if we don’t see them in full consciousness, but maybe if we’ll look closer we can see how they are present everywhere. It’s suggested that those shapes bring with them the code of the creation and demonstrate how the universe was developed. Astrologically speaking, if Aries is the bang then Taurus is symbolizing the symmetrical creation of matter.

The grand sextile that will be in the chart of July 29 is similar to another geometric figure called Metatron’s cube. in the cube we can Metatrons_cubefind more shapes and see how they are organized in a very symmetrical way. Plato’s solids are also in the cube and symbolize the connection between the 5 elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether. One of the solids – the Dodecahedron with 12 faces, was related by Plato to the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Another geometric figure related to the grand sextile is the Flower of Life. This figure was discovered in ancient Egypt, and also in many sacred sited around the world. Actually the flower of Life is the basic figure in sacred geometry, and we can find in it all geometric shapes, including the kabalic Tree of Life.

In the chart for July August we can see the Star of David configurations, up until the end of August, and between July 27 to August 4 we can see the grand sextile. At this time we also have 2 Yod configurations (with Uranus and the Sun at the apex) and in August 1 we will have 3 Yod’s in a pentagram (not complete but still looks like one…) with the Moon at the 3rd apex.

This time is energetically very potent, a time that brings us to integrate the 4 elements and live beyond the duality of life. We can see more clearly how everything is connected to one another and how we can transcend ourselves beyond any conflicts. It’s a good time  to tune in through meditation, to feel our connection to the elements and to life. These celestial configurations show us how everything is connected in one universal grid. This can strengthen our connection to one another, elevate and help us live with a higher state of consciousness.

Some say that these rare and mystic configurations are symbolizing very unique times energetically. The gates of the heavens are open to our prayers and intentions and we can understand more of the Universe we are living in. But we also have to remember that in these  times that we are living we don’t have to wait for cosmic interventions, but we can, and should, manifest these symbols with great awareness. This is time for union and peace.

“Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the way” – Yogi Bhajan (5 Sutras for the Aquarian Age).

Kundalini Yoga meditation – Tattva balance beyond stress

