Jupiter moved from Cancer to Leo on July 16 2014, and will stay in the sign until August 11 2015.
Both Jupiter and Leo represent the fire element, and this combination energy is about leadership, creativity and initiative as well as a fresh breeze of making and creating all our hidden treasures. This astrological signature can help us grow and evolve in our self expression, find more sources of inspiration and also an opportunity to nurture and love ourselves. If Jupiter in Cancer was about reconnecting to the ancient wisdom within and to our authentic identity, now is the time with Jupiter in Leo to go out, grow, glow and shine by sharing with others our gifts. This is the time to take forward whatever it is that we do and live with more presence. It’s important of course to not overdo this and think or take for granted, that life revolves around us.
Jupiter in Leo can also bring many expectations from others and from life. We want to reach the glamour, walk on the red carpet and get the support and acknowledgment for everything that we do. But with the expectation comes the disappointment, and this signature can cause us to be very optimistic and full of ambitious, seeing our greater potential and having a personal vision, and the next day we fall because reality does not become one with our vision. So it’s important to keep the high spirit and enthusiasm of doing what we need to do, and at the same time still learn non attachment to the outcome, and not get carried away by our self importance.
This is a time of creating our own vision and then remember that it can influence the society we live in, so everything that we do is not to make ourselves greater, but to lead others to a better future.
Jupiter’s creativity can also come as a need to continue our legacy and gens , and making more children can be a consequence of it. It’s also coming from our need to spread our gens (Leo) through ideology (Jupiter), and in extreme cases it can bring elitism, racism and dictatorship. In 1931-32 the Nazi party started to gain more power in Germany, and Hitler was even nominated to be president – Jupiter was then in Leo. In a different way, monarchy also can get more headlines, and by August 2015, when Jupiter will square Saturn in Scorpio, it can challenge the position of monarchy in Europe.
Economically speaking, Jupiter in Leo loves the good life and tends to spend more then he have, so it’s important to stay grounded also in this area, especially if you have Leo as your 2nd house sign. World economy can also have extreme up’s and down’s, and gold can probably be a good investment.
All in all, Jupiter in Leo can bring also lot’s of fun and give us a push to make the best our of ourselves, to be inspired and to inspire others and to shine.With all that, we also need to remember that we are not the center of the universe and be humble enough to give and serve others with an open heart. This Jupiterian year will be about coloring the form that we created with Jupiter in cancer.