Cross-Heart Kirtan Kriya Taught by Yogi Bhajan
Mudra: Sit straight. Cross the forearms, below the wrists, and hold them in front of the chest. Arms are out slightly, palms up and a little toward the chest.
Look down at the tip of the nose.
Mantra: Begin to chant: Saa – taa- naa – maa –as you play the fingers by touching the thumb tip to the fingertips in the following fashion:
Saa – touch the tip of the thumbs to the index fingers
Taa – touch the tip of the thumbs to the middle fingers
Naa – touch the tip of the thumbs to the ring fingers
Maa – touch the tip of the thumbs to the pinkie fingers
Continue for 11 – 31 minutes
End: Inhale, hold the breath, roll the eyes up and become completely still. Relax the breath.
Comments: The hemispheres of the brain will balance; the past will be processed and dumped, and insecurity will vaporize.
For more information on Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan© visit the Kundalini Research Institute.
This meditation published in The Mind by Yogi Bhajan and Gurucharan S. Khalsa, Ph.D.